Monday, December 9, 2013

4 Months - Tummy Time

Four months along and I'm really starting to show. It will be nice in a few weeks to move beyond the awkward "is she pregnant or not?" phase.  I actually have a personal rule to not ask until a woman looks about 8 months pregnant because I have a naturally tendency to put my foot in my mouth.

This past month was one of the most stressful of my life as we purchased and moved into our first home. Now that's over, my house is order, we're mostly all ready for Christmas, I can get back to refocus on healthy habits and schedules.

The biggest "new" thing is that my husband and I joined a gym at our local rec center. I haven't done this before because I'm frugal--I can run for free on the roads--and because I have a little anxiety about people and crowds. Winter slammed us last week and it was obvious running outside just wasn't going to work. I'm surprised to say that I've really enjoyed going to a gym to exercise. It's done absolute wonders for my winter blues. One of the best things about being indoors at a gym--being close to a bathroom at all times. Baby is starting to squish my bladder, especially when I'm running.

At the beginning of the year, I made a goal to run 600 miles. I was on track to complete that goal and then our stressful month and winter hit. I now have just a few weeks left to complete my goal so I'm cramming. I can totally do it, but I have to run 2-3 miles, most days of the week. So let's hope I don't get sick in the next few weeks.

What can I say about my weight? You can see the lovely 5 lb. spike that was Thanksgiving. I don't feel like I'm being especially glutenous and I have been exercising; I think my body/baby really would like to gain more weight than I want to right now. I'm hoping this latest spike will even out so I can get back to being within my goal range.

Ironically, Mrs. I-can-feel-my-baby-moving-at-2-months, is just barely starting to feel real, bonafide baby  movement. I think I felt movement earlier with my first baby. I'm chalking this up to the placenta being in front (I hope). All will be answered next week when we have our 20 week ultrasound. All in all, I feel really good. I can get by without any naps and the nausea is gone. My biggest complaint is honestly the acne that makes me feel like I'm 14 again. But what woman doesn't want to feel younger?

1 month                                        3 months                                                     4 months

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