About this Blog

After our second child turned one, my husband and I looked at ourselves and with a loud sigh, proclaimed that it was time to lose our baby weight and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Despite having earned my bachelor's degree in dietetics from BYU, I had failed to live what I knew to be true.

In my first pregnancy, I gained 70 lbs. My second pregnancy, I gained 60 lbs. I am a 6 ft tall woman, but that doesn't justify such a large weight gain.

The title of this blog, "Third Time's the Charm" is looking forward to my third pregnancy in which I hope to finally get the weight gain right.

Blog Goal 1: Use this blog to document my pregnancy and use it as accountability to help me gain a healthier 30-35 lbs. (Again, not a pregnancy announcement.)

The other part of this blog is nutrition information.

As Mommies, it's beyond challenging as we try to keep our families healthy while balancing all of our responsibilities. Often our own health takes a back burner. This blog is meant to have information specifically for busy, stressed or emotionally spent mommies.

You won't find any expensive or extreme food suggestions. You will find information from reputable organizations and peer-reviewed research. I plain just don't subscribe to a lot of the trendy diets and food movements out there. I see a lot of fear and misguided effort. This blog is for average mommies that still want to feed their kids a box of Kraft mac and cheese and don't have a problem taking their kids to a McDonald's drive through every once and a while.

Blog Goal 2: Use this blog as a platform to dust off my brain and hopefully be helpful to my many mommy friends. 

Thanks for reading and if there is a topic you want covered, send your requests my way.

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