
Fat soluble vitamins

Vitamin A
Other names: Beta-Carotein, Retinol, Retinal, Retinoids,  Retinoic Acid
Functions: Required for healthy vision, skin, and hair. Helps the body resist infection and maintain healthy mucous membranes.
Sources: Liver, Red, Orange, Yellow and Green vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach), Dairy Foods, Fortified foods

Vitamin D
Functions: Needed for calcium and phosphorus absorption and for healthy bones and teeth.
Sources: Sunshine, Dairy, Fish Oils, Canned Sardines, Tuna, Egg Yolk, Sunflower Seeds

Vitamin E  
Other names: Tocopherol
Functions: Antioxidant, helps with healing and preventing scaring. Protects cell membranes. Keeps nerves and red blood cells healthy.
Sources: Sunflower seeds and oil, peanut butter, olive oil, safflower oil, almonds

Vitamin K
Functions: Promotes blood clotting to stop bleeding.
Sources: Green leafy vegetables, milk, cabbage, liver

Water soluble vitamins

Other names: Vitamin B1
Function: Needed to help the body maximize it's use of carbohydrates, its major source of energy. Essential for proper functioning of heart, nervous system, and muscle coordination.
Sources: whole grain products, oatmeal, lean meat, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, fortified breakfast cereal

Other names: Vitamin B2
Function: Helps in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. Promotes growth needed for healthy eyes, hair, skin and nails.
Sources: milk, liver, eggs, almonds, fortified breakfast cereal

Other names: Vitamin B3
Function: Required for fat, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism. Aids in brain function and keeps nervous system healthy.
Sources: Rice bran, wheat brain, liver, peanut butter, nuts, chicken, beef, tuna, barley, rice, fortified breakfast cereal

Panthotenic Acid
Other names: Panthotenate, Vitamin B5
Function: Required for fat, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism. Essential for making fatty acids and cholesterol.
Sources: whole grains, legumes, egg yolk, organ meats

Vatamin B6
Other names: Pyridoxine
Functions: Essential for fat, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism. Helps nervous system function properly. Aids in formation of red blood cells.
Sources: Wheat bran, liver, walnuts, brown rice, sunflower seeds, mackerel, meat, salmon, tuna, banana, fortified breakfast cereal

Vitamin B12
Other names: Cobalamin
Functions: Forms and generates red blood cells. Needed for DNA synthesis. Maintains healthy nervous system.
Sources: Liver, mussels, eggs, oily fish, crab, beef, fortified breakfast cereals

Other names: Folic Acid, Vitamin B9
Functions: Works with B12 to protect and develop nervous system, production of RNA and DNA. Needed to produce red blood cells in utero.
Sources: dark green leafy vegetables, liver, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, oat bran, nuts, fortified breakfast cereal and other fortified foods.

Vitamin C
Other names: Acorbic acid, ascorbate
Functions: Collage synthesis--required for healthy skin, bones, cartilage, teeth, and blood vessels. Promotes healing and iron absorption.
Sources: citrus, green leafy vegetables, guava, chilies, kiwi, papaya

Other names: Vitamin B7, vitamin H, coenzyme R,
Functions: Essential for energy production and metabolism of fats and protein. Required for healthy skin and hair.
Sources: Egg yolk, legumes, nuts, organ meats

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