Friday, November 8, 2013

3 Months

Time to check in. This past month was so much better than the last. I'm no longer as fatigued and can get by with one nap a day. I still have bouts of nausea, but it's only when I haven't eaten anything. My depression symptoms also improved significantly.(Booyeah!)

I had my 12 week appointment the week of Halloween. It was the fastest appointment I've ever had. Ever. In and out in 20 minutes (including wait time, giving a urine sample, and paying my bill). The doctor didn't say anything to me (just asked if I was taking a prenatal vitamin)--either he was in a rush, or because I've done this a few times before he didn't feel the need to give me a pregnancy pep talk about what to do or avoid. I did get to see baby on the ultrasound. The nurse wasn't looking low enough and couldn't find the heart beat so she went to get the doctor to do the little portable ultrasound. It's on my record of having a later miscarriage, so the doctor was trying to ask me about bleeding and how pregnant I felt (nausea, fatigue) without scaring me. It's always reassuring to see the little heart beating.

I'm still trying to run 4 times a week. I can tell I'm losing my stamina a little...I had to walk several times the last time I did a 4 mile run. I have consistently been running 11:30 mile pace which seems to be my very comfortable, not working too hard pace.

What I was sure was baby movement a month ago turned out to be some pretty deceptive muscle spasms in the exact same spot over the course of a week. It went away so I'm forced to admit it wasn't baby movement. Now I think I am feeling little bubble sometimes, but not strong. I think it was around this time with Annie that I started noticing movement. 

Weight wise, I completely failed with my goal of only gaining 5 lbs the first trimester. I have consistently been gaining about a pound a week. I realized that if I keep this trend up the entire pregnancy, I will have gained 40 lbs, which is a huge improvement over 60 or 70 lbs. So I changed my goals (and my weight gain graph) from this:

 To this:

Call it cheating, but the second graph makes me feel a lot better. Ultimately, it's only 5 lbs more "total weight gained" which I can live with. I may surprise myself and not gain "the max". As of today, I've gained 12 lbs total at 14 weeks a long. My challenge will be to not gain more than a pound a week from here on out. Good thing there aren't some major food holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up.

 1 month (170 lbs) and 3 months (182). I guess I do have the beginnings of a baby bump.

Goals for the next month:
  • Run M, W, F, S, Walk or do Zumba T, Th
    • Complete goal of running 600 miles this year (80 miles to go)
  • Get control of my appetite...figure out a plan for eating smaller, frequent meals
  • Gain no more than a pound a week.
  • Run Thanksgiving Race

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