Monday, September 9, 2013

Mt. Nebo Half Marathon

 My Sister Bethany and I ran the Mt. Nebo half marathon on Saturday. The course was excruciatingly steep down hill. I admit I wasn't prepared for that and have payed for it--I could hardly walk the day after. Watching me go downstairs is probably pretty comical.

I did not want to run this race fast and had it in my mind that I wanted to run it between 2:10 and 2:20. My time was 2:14:24 which was about a 10:15 minute mile pace.

My Sister did awesome. Especially it being her first half mary. She had seemed nervous about signing up and doing the race, but she found a good running buddy and had trained well. She ran it in 1:49:00. This is 8:18 minute mile pace. She ran for NMSU in college so the runner is definitely still there. I'm curious if I've gotten her hooked on these long races at all?

The course was very pretty. There were some fall colors. I especially like the race's shirt and finisher medal.

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