As a mommy, finding the time, means, and even energy to exercise can be challenging. I believe strongly that it's important for us mamas to take care of ourselves. There was an opinion article written about six months ago that was extremely exasperating--the gist was that moms that are fit are selfish. The article seemed more like the woman was being defensive about why she, personally was not fit (too busy being a good mom, good neighbor, helping others). I would argue that, in this day in age when obesity is a very big problem, being a good example to our children is critically important.
The biggest obstacles to mom's exercising are 1) what to do with the kids 2) limited cash 3) limited time. I came up with 15 different ideas of ways you can exercise by either taking your kids with you or going on your own. I've tried many of these, while some I have not. Some of these require money, either an initial purchase or paying on a continual basis, some don't. My hope is that if you are feeling like you can't exercise in your current situation, you'll get an idea of something you can do.
1. Bike with a trailer
This is has been one of our favorite ways to exercise with our kids because it's the most fun. One of our favorite Saturday activities is to ride together as a family on one of the many bikes paths in the area. Pulling the trailer is more work and so more of a work out. I love using the bike and trailer as a mode of transportation to get to the park and library or to a neighbor's house. The kids enjoy it, I'm getting exercise and saving money on gas. Trailers come for one child or two.
- Trailer--$100-$650. If you want a better quality trailer, pay $250 or more.
- Helmets--$15 and up.
- Bikes-- $100 and up. The most basic models of quality brand bikes start around $400.
- Bike and trailer maintenance. Our trailer has only ever needed flat tires repaired and bike tubes are extremely cheap.
- There are always used bike trailers for sale at virtual yard sales and other classified websites. You can potentially get great deals on very nice trailers at these websites if you keep your eyes open.
- Look for a trailer that has a hard seat, especially if you are having two kids ride in it. If the seat is soft, essentially fabric hanging across the bottom of the trailer, the kids will slump together and not be as comfortable. The cheaper bike trailers tend to have soft seats.
- Here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics on riding bikes with children.
Our bike trailer (with the top cover off) was $240 from Costco. I've been satisfied with it for the price. I think I will go with a more expensive trailer our next one just because of how much use we get out of this one.
2. Bike with a baby seat.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a bike trailer over a seat. This is likely due to the height difference--in an accident, a child would fall from a height of about 3 feet in a child seat compared to about a foot in a trailer. Also, trailers have a solid frame that may offer protection. This does not mean bicycles seats are out of the question-- I would consider using one depending on my circumstances. You may want to consider a baby seat if you are (1) transporting only one kid (2) funds are limited (you can get one at Target for about $31) (3) biking in a city or traffic--trailers are low to the ground are more difficult to see. Children must be over 12 months to ride in these. The upper weight limit for a typical seat in the U.S. is about 40 lbs. There is no evidence that a rear seat or front seat is safer than the other. Front seats have lower weight limits than rear seats.
- Seat--$30-$150.
- Helmets--$15 and up.
- Bikes-- $100 and up. The most basic models of quality brand bikes start around $400.
- Bike maintenance
- Here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics baby seats and on riding bikes with children.

photo credit: google
3. Bike with a tandem bike trailer.
These are relatively new--I remember seeing the first one maybe on 2-3 years ago. They go by different names depending on the brand (add-a-bike, trail-a-bike). Sometimes they are just called trailers. Some trailers have seats for two children. My interest in these trailers is that it allows for a child to get a feel for being on a bike. This is a good option for a child that has outgrown a regular trailer, but can't bike fast enough on his own to keep up with the family. These trailers are generally for children ages 4 and up (until the upper limit of the bike).
- Tandem Trailer-$100- $350
- Helmets--$15 and up.
- Bikes-- $100 and up. The most basic models of quality brand bikes start around $400.
- Bike maintenance
- if you are very tall or very short, make sure the trailer is going to fit your bike. You will need to know the size of your bike frame.
- Make sure the trailer will fit your child before purchasing.

Photo credit: google
4. Run or walk with a jogging stroller (or regular stroller).
This is many mom's go to move for exercise. It's an easy way to get out of the house, put the baby to sleep, or maybe visit with a friend as you walk. Get a double or even a triple and you can wheel around your entire crew. Some companies design the jogging stroller so an infant carrier can snap into it so a stroller is a great option for exercise the first year after baby is born.
- Single strollers: $100-$350
- Double strollers: $200-$600
- If you are tempted to take your stroller to walk or run around your local high school's track, please don't. Track rubber is susceptible to wear and resurfacing a track is very expensive. If you want to run or walk at your high school's track without a stroller (go for it!!), please use lanes 4-7, as they are used the least. Some schools have non-rubber, paved tracks which are okay for strollers.
- Check classified websites for used strollers. I got my just like new Kelty double stroller, that was normally over $500, for about $250.
My Kelty double stroller
5. Hike with your kids
I love hiking with my kids. I love that they are out being a part of nature, completely disconnected from technology. They make wonderful backpacks that allow you to carry babies, toddlers, and even preschoolers. A good backpack is designed to be comfortable to wear with straps around the waist, similar to a backpacking backpack.
- Backpack--$100-$300
- Be prepared--bring extra water, snacks and extra clothes if it's cold, sunscreen, bugspray.
- Be safe--hike with another adult or tell someone where you are going. Be familiar with trails before going on them (difficulty, where they go). Check the weather before you go--storms or higher or lower expected temperatures can become big problems.
- Lower your expectations--hiking with small kids means you will not be making it to the top of mountains. Find joy in the hiking and forget about how far you've made it.
- Kids need to get in shape too--for your kids that can walk, the more often you hike, the more used to it they will be and the farther you can go. Sometimes the limiting factor in how far you can hike is not their ability, but their attitude. Make hiking fun--pretend their dragons along the trail or play hide and seek a long the trail. Bring a scavenger hunt list of things they need to find on the hike (there's tons of these online). I usually have a sucker or some candy to help with the trip down (dum dums are perfect for little kids on hikes).
- I bought my Kelty child carrier for about $240. I've used for two kids now and there are still no signs of wear on it. I can imagine it lasting for all of our children.
6. Go before they wake up.
After becoming a mom, I got on a schedule where I would try to get as much sleep as possible and not get out of bed until my kids got up. Last year, I wasn't meeting my fitness expectations for myself. Part of the problem was exercising during the day with kids wasn't working--my oldest was too big for my double stroller. Exercising in the evening was hit and miss because sometimes I would just be too exhausted to go out. I decided to try to get up and exercise before my husband left for work. At first, it was really difficult to get up earlier. But after a while, my body got used to the new schedule and the morning became my new favorite time to exercise. Consistent, daily exercise got me back into shape and my weight down to my wedding weight. Now my husband leaves for work at 6:45 in the morning so I've got to be on the road by 5:45 to get my work out in.
- Free
- Many women I've talked to are scared about walking or running alone in the dark. It is dark in the morning for several months of the year and in the evening. I say the biggest risk in exercising in the dark is getting hit by a car, so wear reflective material and carry a light. My rule is to assume the car can't see me at all so I never cross in front of a car and I move off the road if a car is coming. At 6:00 in the morning, there aren't a lot of cars where I live. As per being attacked, I've never felt that was a danger running through neighborhoods. I would suggest you do not run alone at night or early in the morning on popular running trails, because that's where someone that would want to grab a jogger would be. Don't run the exact same route at the same time every day just in case someone does notice you. Carry pepper spray or run with a dog. Take a self-defense class to boost your confidence.
7. Go in the evening.
If you are a night owl, you may find your best time to exercise is after the kids go to bed or whenever your husband is home and can watch the kids. I imagine I am like most people--I waste so many hours in the evening watching TV. Imagine if you got up off the couch and did sit-ups and push-ups while you watched. Or went out for a walk. Or went and did a aerobic class at a gym. If you complain you don't have enough time to exercise, look closely at how well you are using your time in the evenings.
- Free
- One of the problems with exercising in the evening might be falling asleep afterward. When I play basketball in the winter, many of our games don't finish until after 10:00 pm. It takes a very long time for me to get my heart rate down and settle down enough to fall asleep. One thing that keeps you from sleeping is your body's warmer temperature after you exercise--you sleep better when you're cool. Try a cool shower or other things to lower your body temperature. Try eating a carbohydrate snack (low in protein) to help you get sleepy.
8. Join a gym with childcare.
I don't have any personal experience with this yet, but I have several friends that use the childcare at a gym and have loved it. The appeal to this is that you get a quality workout of your choice, flexibility of what time of day you exercise, and some kid-free mommy time.
Cost: The cost varies so widely based on the type of gym, how long of a contract you have signed up for, or if you have a family pass. You might try your city rec center for a cheaper option. Some cities have very nice rec centers that have everything a place like Golds Gym has to offer for lots less. Do a little research and see what gyms are in your area and what they have to offer. You may consider going to another city's rec center too. Also consider doing a monthly membership if you think you're only going to use it for a short time (say the winter months). Here are the two closest gyms to where I live to give you an idea:
- Gym membership (one person): My rec center: $160/year Gold's Gym: $205/year
- Childcare: My city rec center costs $1/ half hour, they offer a discount punch card of $36/20 hours. Gold's gym has free child care with your membership.
- Do your research to find the best gym for you--are you going to be swimming? aerobic classes? spinning? Take up a gym's offer to visit to get a feel for it. If you have never lifted weights, have personal trainer show you how or you can even ask a friendly person to help show you. Don't sign a contract for a really long length of time (say longer than 2 years) just for a good deal, especially if you have never used a gym before. You don't know what you'll be doing in 3 years or if you'll use the membership enough to get your money's worth.

Photo credit: google
9. Do a babysitting swap with another mom.
The gist of this set-up is "you watch my kids for an hour so I can go exercise kid-free and I'll watch your kids for an hour so you can exercise kid-free". This can be a great option if you are low on cash for something like a gym membership or if you'd feel more comfortable having a friend watch your kids.
- Free
- Make sure you are on the same page with the other mom about when, how often, and how long you will be watching their kids and vice versa. Do a test drive before you enter into a bigger commitment, especially if you haven't watched her kids before--they might be "difficult" to watch and not worth the arrangement.
10. Play video games.
Many families have gaming systems--why not take your turn? The appeal to fitness type games is that you can do them anytime of the day, you can wear your pj's and they are lots of fun. The advancements of motion detection technology (Wii and Xbox Kinect) have been great for doing workouts at home. We have an Xbox Kinect and I love doing Zumba-with my lack of grace, there's no way I'd do aerobics in front of other people. Wii offers many fitness games as part of their Wii fit system. If you have a gaming system, check out what games are out there.
- Games: varies $15-$45
- Motion detection system attachments: kinnect or wii fit board $90-130
- Before buying an Xbox Kinect, consider how large your living room space is. You need several feet of clearance so the sensor can see you. There are some options you can purchase if you don't have enough space.
- I've tried both Wii and Xbox systems. I find Kinect to be a superior system as related to fitness, just because of the flexibility of the system. The wii fit told me I was old and out of shape because I can't balance one leg, but I'm not bitter.

photocredit: google
11. Do workout videos.
Growing up, I remember my mom doing her one work out video. If I remember right, there was a lady with a head band in a shinny green leotard on the cover . Today, there are an infinite number of work out videos, of every variety. The appeal of work out videos is that you can do them any time of the day in the comfort of your home. There are so many options; you can spend a lot or a little money or find them free online. Some require equipment (weights, steps, mats) and some you need nothing at all.
- Free-$250
- Work out videos are not all created equally. Have fun and spend time trying new ones online for free. The trick is to find one that challenges you but isn't too difficult to follow.Read reviews before buying one if it's expensive or find it cheaper used. Have a variety of videos you do to keep things interesting.
- You can find so many videos online for free--try you tube. Search "yoga" or "cardio work out".

Photo credit: google
12. Find something public.
Every year, my church has a season of basketball and a season of volleyball for women. It's great to be able to play sports and make friends with other women. The games are late enough in the evening, my kids are asleep. They also offer aerobic classes in the morning once or twice a week. Kids can run crazy in the gym while you get a work out in. It's all free. Depending on how awesome your church or town is, they might have similar free options--it's worth looking into or making it happen. Another option is to join a city league for a sport but then you'll need to make sure you have someone to watch your kids. I'm sure if you are willing to do some research, you can find something you can do in your area where you can be with other adults and meet new people.
- Free
- It's my experience that adults leagues for sports are quite expensive. Usually you need to come up with a team and there is a fee of say $500/team. This will vary by city. Other options would be private leagues, such as an indoor soccer arena's league.
- If you are shy about going to play sports at church because you don't consider yourself very good, don't worry! I've been doing it for many years and no one cares if you used to play professionally or have never picked up a basketball in your life. We are always running short on people so we could really use you there.
- League sports can be so much fun. Some leagues are more competitive than others--you can tell by the cost (more expensive) and how often the games are, how long of a season (more games, longer season) and if the games are in different cities.

Photo credit: google
13. Circle a park.
Some parks are designed with a walking path the circles a playground. Depending on the maturity of your kid and how well you trust other kids at the playground, you can send them to play while you do laps around them. This is great because you and your kid both get exercise.
- Free
14. Purchase home workout equipment.
If you've got the money and space in your home, you may want to consider purchasing a treadmill, elliptical or weight machine. This would give you the flexibility to exercise whenever you want while being able to watch tv, movies or if you are really skilled, read a book.
- Elliptical: $100-$600
- Treadmill: $100-$2000
- The "calories burned" option on these machines are not accurate and tend to overestimate your calories burned, especially on an elliptical. (Unless they've changed this in the last few years.)
- People are always trying to get rid of exercise equipment--you are likely to find a good quality machine for cheaper if you search classified sites.
Photo credit: google
15. Play with your kids.
Of all the activities listed, this is one is probably the most overlooked but ultimately the best one for everyone. Have you ever played follow the leader with your child? Did everything they did, went this way and that, sit down, get up, jump, crawl, climb over things? Do this at a playground for 30 minutes, and you will have gotten a great workout. Run and play with your kids. Play sports with them (not just kicking the ball back and forth, run!) Have dance parties. Play tag. Race. Wrestle. Give horseback rides. Swing your kid in circles. Play hopscotch. Jump rope. Not only will you burn calories, but you will feel younger and your kids will think you're awesome.
Cost: Priceless
Have ideas that I didn't include here? What's your preferred way to exercise? How do you make it work? What's your biggest obstacle?
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