I loved this book. I'm not sure what I expected when I picked it up at the library--I just grabbed it because it was about running and I struggle to find books that can keep my attention. "Born to Run" is great because it's as equally entertaining as it is educational. It's full of history and geography, stories of runners and races, the most recent research on running, and without specifically trying, it's the greatest motivational book I've ever read.
Every time I read, I couldn't wait to go running the next day. It's helped me psychologically in my running as I am more confident in my own abilities. It's helped me with my running form--I've made some changes to the way I strike my foot, and focused on some other mechanics of my running that has made me run smoother and quicker and prevent injury. I even tried some barefoot running since reading this book.
I told Colin he can buy me this book because I'm sure I could read it over and over which is saying a lot.
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